Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions

Ariba Network Basics
What is the Ariba Network?
The Ariba Network is a cloud-based commerce platform that enables buyers and suppliers to form relationships and conduct business transactions online for activities across the end-to-end Procurement process. Through the Ariba Network, suppliers can electronically receive Purchase Orders from their customers, such as PSE, and send customers invoices for those Purchase Orders.
Why should we, as a supplier, participate in the Ariba Network?
Participation in the Ariba Network allows your company to do business with PSE. In addition, there are a variety of benefits to suppliers who sign up on the Ariba Network including:
- Collaborate immediately with all customers that you have an established Ariba Trade Relationship with
- Turn paper into efficient electronic transactions
- Catch errors and correct them before they ever go to the customer
- Track invoice and payment status online in real time and accelerate receivables
- See potential opportunities in the market and have the ability to trade globally
Is participation in the Ariba Network optional for suppliers of PSE?
No. Registration on the Ariba Network is mandatory for all suppliers who are awarded business by PSE and intend to supply goods and/or services.
Is there a fee for suppliers to participate on the Ariba Network?
There are a variety of ways for suppliers to participate on the Ariba Network and suppliers new to the Ariba Network generally start transacting for free. Fees are determined between SAP Ariba and the supplier based on the volume of transactions done on the Ariba Network across all customer relationships (not just with PSE). Suppliers that select an Enterprise account will receive an invoice directly from Ariba. Suppliers create an agreement between their organization and Ariba to which PSE is not a party. PSE cannot accept liability for any fees incurred. To learn more, please visit SAP Ariba Subscriptions and Pricing.

How do suppliers get set up on the Ariba Network to transact with PSE?
When your company is awarded business with PSE, you will receive an email with a link to access the landing page where you can log in or sign up as a new user on the Ariba Network. Once logged in, you will have access to complete the PSE Supplier Registration Questionnaire, where you will provide all the information that PSE requires to get your company set-up to transact. After this is submitted, you will receive instructions on next steps from the PSE Supplier Enablement Team. Throughout this process, you may also receive communication directly from SAP Ariba.
For suppliers that do not currently transact with PSE, but wish to be considered for future business, is there an option to self-register?
Yes. Potential suppliers can use the Self-Registration Request Form to provide basic details about your company. If approved, our Procurement team will have visibility to your information and the ability to send invitations to participate in Sourcing (RFx) Events as appropriate.
Can suppliers update the information provided on the PSE Supplier Registration Questionnaire (such as company name, address, bank account details, etc.) via self-service?
Yes. Suppliers can update their own information on an as-needed basis. To do so, open the questionnaire via your Ariba Network account, enter the revised responses as appropriate and submit the revised version to PSE.

Bidding Process
How is my company notified of bid opportunities?
As a registered supplier, your company information will be stored in PSE’s supplier database. If your company is selected to participate in a Sourcing (RFx) Event, a PSE Procurement representative will contact you.
Does PSE share my bid information?
No. PSE solicits competitive bids through a confidential bidding process, and we do not share bid information with other suppliers.
How does PSE select bidders?
When a procurement need is identified, a Sourcing (RFx) Event is issued to the appropriate bidders list. RFxs are by invitation only. PSE then evaluates and selects potential bidders on the basis of:
- Qualifications
- Resources
- Capabilities
- Prior experience
- Financial strength
- Competitive pricing

What is a No Release Blanket Purchase Order (BPO)?
A No Release Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) is an Ariba order type that allows suppliers to submit invoices directly to the BPO.
What is a Release Based Blanket Purchase Order (BPO)?
A Release Based Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) is an Ariba order type that requires that PSE generate a release Purchase Order linked to the BPO before a supplier is able to submit an invoice. With this order type invoices are submitted to the release Purchase Order, rather than the BPO.
What is a Service Sheet?
A Service Sheet is an Ariba document type that is submitted by a supplier that describes the goods and services delivered to fulfill a service Purchase Order.
Are Service Sheets required on the Ariba Network?
PSE requires a Service Sheet, in addition to an invoice, for all Purchase Orders. No Release Blanket Purchase Orders do not require a Service Sheet.
Does PSE allow suppliers to use auto Service Sheet functionality?
Yes. PSE does allow suppliers to use auto Service Sheet functionality. A supplier can opt to skip the step of creating a service sheet and go directly to invoice submittal. A Service Sheet will be auto-generated by the Ariba Network upon creation of your invoice. Manual Service Sheet creation or auto Service Sheet functionality must be used for the life of a Purchase Order.
Are we allowed to send our invoices in PDF or any other format we have been using?
No. All suppliers are to submit electronic invoices over the Ariba Network to PSE for processing. You do have the ability to attach files to an invoice as desired, however, please note that any attachment(s) will be considered a supplemental/reference document(s), NOT a valid invoice.
Will existing activity be converted to Ariba for invoicing?
This will be determined on a case by case basis. Active contract(s) and/or Purchase Orders will be assessed and you will be notified if they will be transitioned to the Ariba Network.
Will there be an XML or similar format file to send all invoices?
Ariba Network’s native language is cXML which is derivation of XML. cXML is supported via HTTPS connection.
Is it possible to import invoices via a CSV file?
Import of invoices via CSV is available on the Ariba Network. If you are interested, please contact
We have our own system to create invoices. How will this process work?
You continue to create invoices in your system, the change is that PSE requires invoices to be received electronically via the Ariba Network.
If we have information that is unique to each line of the Purchase Order (e.g. a part number), can this be captured on the invoice?
Yes. Suppliers can use the Comment field on invoice line items.
Can you change the amount on the invoice?
Unit price is given from the order and cannot be exceeded. Price increases must be communicated to PSE Procurement to issue a change order.
How will partial invoices against individual order items be dealt with?
Partial invoicing is supported on the Ariba Network. You may invoice either partial quantity on a line item or invoice only one of the available line items. The remaining quantities will be available for invoicing at a later date.
Invoice Status: What are the different status codes of the invoices? How do we tell if it has been sent for approval? How do we know when it is ready to be paid?
Invoice Status is represented by words that clearly describe the document status such as Sent, Acknowledged, Approved, Paid, Rejected etc. If an invoice is rejected, the rejection reason is provided. You may track the invoice status online or subscribe to email notifications for status changes. It is the supplier’s responsibility to keep track of submitted invoices to ensure they have not been rejected.